Conservation and Restoration
''Conservation'' of a painting primarily involves its general care to ensure its long term survival.
Treatment may include stabalising loose paint, and strengthening the canvas by lining the painting, to prevent further deterioration.
While allowing for its age, “Restoration” aims to return a painting as much as possible to its original appearance.
Restoration will include cleaning, filling areas of lost paint and inpainting those areas to replace losses.
All work should be undertaken with minimal intervention using reversible materials as much as possible.

Treatment may include stabalising loose paint, and strengthening the canvas by lining the painting, to prevent further deterioration.
While allowing for its age, “Restoration” aims to return a painting as much as possible to its original appearance.
Restoration will include cleaning, filling areas of lost paint and inpainting those areas to replace losses.
All work should be undertaken with minimal intervention using reversible materials as much as possible.